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Haiku Workshop for Adults

As we enter week six (if you're still counting) of the stay-at-home order here in California, you've probably participated in your fair share of conference calls, maybe even a few virtual happy hours, but have you written a haiku?

If you haven't—and I bet not too many of you have—now is the time to start! This Friday, May 1st, our Artist in Residence, Katharine Zaun, will be facilitating a virtual haiku workshop from 2-3pm PDT. Yes, you will be on Zoom, but we can promise you it won't be like any Zoom call you've been on yet.

Through experiential facilitation, this workshop is a great way to end your week feeling a bit more connected, grounded, and refreshed.

Apart from being fun to write, the tradition of haiku is centered around nature and the present moment, making it the perfect antidote to uncertainty. All you'll need is a pen and paper, your computer (preferably a laptop or desktop rather than a tablet or smartphone), and the Zoom link. Wine, tea, and cocktails also welcome. You'll be using your camera and microphone during the class, so if you can, check that those are working beforehand.

And don't worry about that pesky old 5-7-5 rule. While there are plenty of rules we need to be following right now, that isn't one of them! So come Friday, grab your laptop, pull up to your favorite seat in the house (hopefully with a view outdoors), and join us. We hope to see you there!