Come join us for Adventure Film Festival Fullerton created by the legendary climber, photographer,storyteller Jonny Copp (1974-2009). This event showcases a diverse collection of the year’s most groundbreaking independent films, art, music, and more that inspires activism through adventure. AFF is an internationally recognized arena for the most inspiring adventure and environmental films of the year and travels the globe from Boulder to New York, Chicago, LA, Bozeman, Chile, India, Nepal, Israel, South Africa and more.
Friday, May 4
VIP Party & Films
VIP Party from 5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m. (VIP Ticket required)
Gourmet cuisine featuring Colette's Catering | Craft Beer | Preview film trailers I Silent Auction and chance to win incredible prizes from our sponsors. Special Guest: Come meet the award-winning author, filmmaker, and adventure artist Jeremy Collins. Jeremy will share his film “Drawn”, his philosophy of on-location art creation, and honor his close friend, Jonny Copp.
Evening Films from 7:30 p.m.– 10:00 p.m.
Raw, gritty, creative, visceral and inspiring outdoor adventure, cultural and environmental short films. Come early (5/5, 5-7pm) for tacos and drinks on the patio, purchase tickets or opportunity drawing, and browse the vendor booths and gallery.
Saturday, May 5
Yoga, Kids Show, Art, and Music & Films
Free Morning Yoga from 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Sweat, smile, laugh, and find deep relaxation with an extraordinary instructor from Sender One Yoga & Fitness on the lawn at the Muck. All levels welcome. Bring your own mat. Plus, delicious smoothies and healthy protein bars provided by Jamba Juice and RXBAR.
Free Kids Show from 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.
Kids Show featuring a live performance by Alana Banana with tap dancing, original music and well-known cover songs. The Alana Banana Show believes in teaching children kindness toward themselves, others, animals and the planet.
Free Kids Films & Activities from 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Family-friendly arts and crafts
Saturday, May 5th
Evening Films from 7:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Raw, gritty, creative, visceral and inspiring outdoor adventure, cultural and environmental short films. Come early (5-7pm) for tacos and drinks on the patio and explore the vendor booths.
Much much more!
Stay tuned for more info and announcements. Full schedule of films and program coming soon!
Film Fest Tickets
VIP Pass $60 (includes VIP Party and 2 days of films)
Full Pass (2 Days) $45
Day Pass $25
Student Day Pass $15